
By tookie

The Man behind the Magic

Today's blip is dedicated to Big R, my friend and hubby who truly is the source of magic behind the lovely flowers that bloom in our yard. He does the hard work of weeding and planting...kneeling in all sorts of surfaces and weather conditions! My own knees prohibit me from doing these sorts of things anymore, but Big R continues to spend hours out back and front preparing plantings for future joys. He puts up with my inability to go to a nursery and pass up buying more ...only for him to come home and see I've "laid them out" for him to plant. So as I decorate...he puts the "plan" into action. Some digging he gets "help" from Cowboy and once in awhile Pooters the kitty will come out and sit on his back as he weeds. It's a sight to see and future blip material. He overdid today, as often happens, so we finished the day with an outing to see Crazy Hearts and enjoyed all the music and the excellent performance by Jeff Bridges. Thank you Big R for the love you put into the garden which is a constant source of joy for us both:)

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