Making ripples

This morning grandson and I went for a walk while granddad was at the dentist, then granddad was in charge and I went to work. We had to go and see the ducks (though the swans weren't so welcome) and this one was making lovely ripples.
This didn't get posted yesterday as the evening was somewhat busy.
I did a race by head torch over in Fife and the plan was to pick up a friend, meet others and go to the start in as few cars as possible. we arrived at the 2nd meeting just as the others were going (only 2 mins after meeting time) so had to drive ourselves along narrow, misty roads. Arrived and the others were preparing for a warm-up so it was a quick shoe change and preparation - and then disaster! F inadvertently activated the central locking and shut the door with the things she didn't need inside. The back door was still open with my things, including car keys, on the back seat and as I took off my sweatshirt the door shut itself!
Now what? Dressed for running but torch inside, what next? Mr Rat babysitting, and though could have come over with spare keys I had the child car seat. F's husband also babysitting and 1 child unwell so didn't want to have to get him out. Friends to the rescue - promised to make sure we got home somehow, lent spare head torch and race entry fee and so the race was on.
Muddy +++, torch battery fading and I was almost last (I'm sure - well possibly - I could have been a bit quicker with a brighter light, but that's my excuse), but fun and friendly and stayed upright. Other club members went out of their way to make sure we got back, collected a spare key and returned to retrieve the car, heroes.

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