Last night's excessive viewing of Modern Family resulted in a lie-in for this family this morning. I was up in time to pop up to the war memorial for our usual solitary vigil (well, if you can call standing around in a car park for a couple of minutes a vigil) but I checked on the brand new snazzy Mairie website and discovered that the ceremony was on Sunday. Not on the public holiday set aside for the purpose in every other commune in France. Sigh. So I just had a cup of tea and made bread instead.
CarbBoy helped out with the bread-making - but only up to the first proving. I think his iPad attention span is too short for that kind of baking. We are working towards weaning the kids off the devices a bit, though in a slightly pathetic way I have to admit. So they are banned from bedrooms on school nights. Tall Girl tried a few ways to get around this, the most amusing of which was "but I need it for my alarm". Even she couldn't keep a straight face through that load of nonsense (she has two regular alarm clocks and never gets up without me waking her up). Perhaps we need to limit their diet of Modern Family too... (Though I suspect it is going to excuse me from having to do any sex-ed with CarbBoy.)
And so, on the public holiday to commemorate the Armistice, mostly memorable for being the first day the hunters were shooting at the bottom of our garden (9.01am. Really. Is that necessary?), all I have to offer is a paper poppy, which I'm sure I must have blipped countless times. I had a big chat to the kids about it all on Sunday. We may have wimped out on the public observance, but that doesn't mean they get to ignore it.
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