Autumn light
Glorious day, weather-wise at least. Mr B was up early to head off to work and, despite it being something-beginning-with 4, I couldn't get back to sleep until about 7. No school today - Armistice Day being a national holiday here - but that didn't stop the shooters who, ironically didn't let up all day. We headed up to the village square at 11 for whatever ceremony was going on, only to find the place deserted. I know there was a ceremony in the closest town, but it seems a bit unfair for the 20 or so men from this village who died to be forgotten.
Home then for a welcome return for the kids (after all the rain we've had) to playing outside in the sunshine, and I even managed to get some clearing out done in the garden. The cosmos are still rallying, despite the temperatures starting to drop, and I see that some of the sweet peas in the top bed have finally got around to growing. If I'm feeling generous towards them I may dig them up and pop them in the cold frame for the winter.
Very sore back today. I did something funny to it yesterday while helping Mr B carry a drier I do not want into my already overcrowded laundry room. Yesterday's medication of too much claret is not really sustainable in the long-term, so today I did some internet self-diagnosis and - once I got past all the sites telling me I was having a heart attack - have diagnosed some kind of rhomboid (?) strain. Anyway, it's super sore and now my whole back aches with trying to stop the stabbing pain. Happily the stabbing pain only happens when I reach my arm back, laugh, cough or, well, breathe. Continuation of ice and paracetamol treatments beckon...
First though I must finish baking for CarbBoy's packed lunch tomorrow. He has an outing to a forest - which I forgot about when I was shopping on Saturday. Of course after a bank holiday (no shops open today) I have no food in the house, so he will have a slightly bizarre lunch - but with chocolate brownies for pudding I don't really think he'll care.
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