
By foxfollower

Working At Home

This afternoon is earmarked for doing some work at home to prepare for a couple of meetings coming up later this week.

Task 1: Re-read the programme outline for the workshop on training Becoming Friends companions that I will be co-facilitating in Cardiff on Saturday. Also re-read relevant sections of the course material.

Task 2: Prepare a presentation for Area Meeting on Sunday about the Being Friends Together course. Note to self: the plan is to show people some of the course content on the website, to give them the flavour of it. Wi-Fi, laptop and data projector are all lined up - but do some handouts on paper as back-up plan in case of technical hitches.

Task 3 (if time permits): Put a post on Moodle forum for Equipping for Ministry to keep in touch with other group members.

Tony is out all afternoon and evening, weather is not offering any incentive to go and do things outside as a distraction - so with luck all of these will be off the To Do list by this evening!

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