Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Candy corn

Candy corn is usually one of the presents that appears at our october/november birthday parties, since it’s a halloween icon (the yellow orange white one) and H has a reputation of liking them.. I had bought a few of the “indian corn” variety for Thanksgiving -chocolate, then orange then white (you can get reindeer/christmas -green red white and cupid corn -pink red and white and more….) to put on the table at our birthday dinner last night. This morning when we were cleaning up, we discovered a cupful of these little brown things and deduced that Fiona had bitten off all the orange and white parts and left the brown chocolate parts!! (I think they all taste the same!) The little ceramic holder was a present for H along with a jar of the regular candy corn. Might be a good spoon holder on the stove....

There is a whole lot of history. Just know it was invented in the 1880s (!) and distributed by the Goelitz Confectionary Company at the turn of the 20th century. Since 2001 renamed the Jelly Belly Co. A few fun facts:
—When it was first produced it was called “chicken feed”. the boxes had a rooster with the tag “something worth crowing for.”
—More than 35 million pounds (9 billion pieces) will be produced this year.
__It’s one of the healthier candies - 28 grams of sugar - 140 calories- per heaping handful, and it’s fat free!
__ in 1950 it was 25 cents a pound.

If you want to know more (?) and how it’s made and what's in it.-including wax(!), look HERE.

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