
By Mindseye

Here come the girls!!!!!

Some of you may have picked up in one of my earlier blips that tonight (Sat.) I was going to a reunion. Well here we all are, St. Andrews Church Girls Brigade!

I joined way back when, as a young girl, probably aged 7/8...... I left when I was around 30 I think it was. In this shot is our old Captain (Barber) who will be 80 next March, together with some of the more senior officers back in the 70's. Margaret (far left) was our Drum Major, she was ace with the mace, used to throw it up and catch it, on the march, pretty impressive!!

My closest long time friends, Brenda, Karen and Gill are in the front row, as is my sis Alison and me. (Ok before you ask.....far right!) The four of us were in the band, and all played trumpets for a few years and then progressed to side snare drums to make way for, and teach the next generation of trumpeters, some of whom are also in this shot, hiding away at the back! We used to enter the national band competitions, I recall Blackburn, Brighouse and Manchester. We worked out our marching routines and practiced in the old church hall!

The four of us were pretty inseparable in those days, we did our Duke of Edinburgh Awards together over the course of probably four years. We had great fun, some tough hikes, got lost once or twice, and from memory got a commendation for our Project work for our Gold Award. We all went to Buckingham Palace (the Blue Drawing Room I'll have you know ;-) together and received our Award from Prince Phillip, The Duke himself! I still have the newspaper cutting from our local newspaper somewhere up in the attic.

We all had a great catch up as some of us hadn't seen each other in 20-30 years!
We also had a fashion show, clothes were bought (!) followed by wine and cheese.
I stayed over at my sis's and we had a good old chin wag late into the night and another few glasses of wine......and a bit a muzzy head this morning too!

A good night all round :-)

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