CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Pink Cyclamen

A dry, bright day.

Managed to attend church today where we had an Act of Remembrance at the start. There has been a lot of special programmes on TV to mark the centenary of the beginning of WW1, the 70th anniversary of D Day and the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan. The horrors of war have been displayed and the ongoing suffering of the injured and bereaved. We live in a world which has consistently seen nation and tribes fight one another - it certainly makes one conscious that mankind seems to find it incredibly difficult to resolve differences without conflict. This is true of individuals and families as well. The Christian message of peace is not an easy one, although it does begin in the hearts of men and women.

I am grateful that I can still find peace among the beauty of the flowers in the garden. Here, I am reminded that it doesn't just happen - it needs a lot of preparatory work, ongoing care and attention for beauty to blossom. These lovely pink cyclamen are a lovely example of this. Even as I write this, my wife is out in the garden clearing and planting for next year. Just as well - it will also give me lots of subjects for my Journal!

I trust that those of you who found today difficult will find a measure of peace.

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