Cars n Coffee

Zelda has developed a really annoying habit. If we don't stock up her food before bed then she comes in in the early hours and stands on my face until I feed her. This morning was one of those days and I can't say I was best happy - at least she was appeased after a bowl of stinky fish cat food (which was bought by mistake!).

When we all eventually arose, I managed to read a bit of the paper whilst Miles and Gina spoke to Nanna on Skype, which is quite unheard of!

After that we did a bit of shopping and went to a new (ish) coffee place that had this awesome car in the yard to sit in. Too much fun!

Gina's on a bit of a sewing mission, so spent a lot of today smashing through that (and it's all looking great). Miles and I had another late foray to the shops and we stopped off at the pet shop to look at the fish ('wow fish'!), snakes ('moving daddy!') and parrots ('red bird'), before cycling to the park and then dinner.

This weekend has been nice - lots happened but it all just followed reasonably effortlessly. Just as well really as I have a busy week with two practices with The General Assembly, our friends Melly and Declan are arriving on Wednesday (super exciting!) and then it's off to Commonground on Thursday night for the festival. All fun, but it's going to be knackering!!

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