
This is a Blip of me in the bath. I’m not actually having a bath because I’ve managed to stay lovely and clean today. I’m in the bath because I’m frightened…………………

……………….Ann doesn’t know why I’m frightened???

Until now I’ve had a pretty normal Saturday. Ann worked all day and I went to my dog sitters, then she picked me up and off we went to the 'Rum & Crab Shack' for a couple of bottles of Prosecco. Obviously I didn’t have any Prosecco because I am a dog!

Got home about half an hour ago and Ann said, ‘Molly, I’m just going to nip to the loo and then I’ll feed you.’

…………..So I followed Ann into the bathroom that’s normal behaviour – I often watch her having a wee but I didn’t follow her back downstairs. I could hear her putting my dinner out for me, and she’d switched off all the lights upstairs…………… But do you know what I’d done?………………………….

……………..I’d jumped into the bath???

When there’s really loud thunder & lightening I jump into the bath because that’s where I feel safe & secure. But there is no thunder & lightening tonight and there’s no fireworks going off either.

It’s all a bit of a mystery??? Ann lifted me out of the bath and brought me downstairs and shut the door so that I couldn’t go back into the bathroom.

Instead I’ve just gone into my bed. And I haven’t touched my dinner.

Ann hasn’t a clue what is going on with me but she’s a bit worried???

Do any of you Blippers know why I’m acting so weird?????

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