Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Mono Challenge 1/5 - Enjoying the weekend...

I was challenged this week by Farishta to post 5 B&W blips in a row, so I thought I'd give it a go today, except I live in an intensely coloured world and it's been such a great day with so many different aspects to it, I've had to do a collage. I have put in my B&W picture though...

The day began with a much needed lie-in. Got ready in record time to leave for church which was excellent as always; then G & I headed to Dubai Mall to get some things done - one of which was having lunch (B&W pic). Galeries Lafayette have already started with their Christmas decorations!

I discovered the Muji brand whilst walking to Morelli's for dessert. G was struck by a very cleverly designed, wear-it-in-several-different-ways poncho, We were there at just the right time as it was very quiet, and a brilliant sales assistant looked after us really well. I have now got several much needed new shirts for work.

We then headed straight to Wafi for their Matreshka Festival; this weekend being Art and G got to paint her very own Matreshka doll - very ably assisted by a lady who has been painting them for 25 years. I LOVE the way she does their eyes (three dolls previously painted). I think it says so much about her in how pretty she makes them look just with their eyes.

And then we finished the champagne bottle which was opened last night. This time, G finished her glass. It's been a brilliant day despite me hardly being on my computer. :)

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