Porty People and Places

I took over 80 photos of the fireworks on the beach at Porty this evening. They were all very disappointing despite using my SLR and a very sturdy tripod! Fireworks are very difficult subjects ... so .... here's one I blipped earlier!

After a full morning of working from home we took advantage of the cold clear sunny weather to walk to Musselburgh. It is a walk we have done many times, but following Monday's close call on the Motorway the walk was all the more meaningful today. ( We had to walk anyway as our courtesy car has yet to materialise!)

On the foreshore at Fisherrow we came across these pyrotechnicians preparing the brilliant free firework show there at 1900 this evening. It was an amazing spectacle and the work, wiring. computers and assemblage are never normally seen - hence my blip. The main battery of mortars and rockets is a little further up the beach and there was a third deployment furthest from my camera.

I have launched firework at school displays over the years and still have memories of scurrying from rocket to rocket with a port-fire and a particularly scary occasion when one of the mortars failed to launch and did its spectacular effects in the privacy of the mortar tube only a few feet from my face!

I think the invisible teams behind events and happenings of all kinds never get the full credit they deserve - hence my blip. Well done guys! ( Pun intended!)

KAP and JCB made Fireworks their own in Cheltenham and I am sure their presence will be much missed this year - unless they have been contracted back to do their brilliant bonfire and fireworks once more?!

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