
By TynvdB

the gull at the pond

I could not wait to start this morning to get the jobs done. The works to finish here. The Small&Easy ones, the Heavy&Complex. To begin with the old tele weighing some fifty kilos. It had to be moved out of our cellarbox and brought to the street side for waste collection. Our ‘expensive’ Sony Triniton, bought in 2003 from my new salary as legal expert at the Dept. of Environment. Our first big tele in exchange for that handsome mini portable. Which really had been so very old already. We are very slow in adapting to technical progress.

I have told you that here at the seaside I still use my father’s old bike. He died in 2002. It took another seven years before I started to use that rusty thing. Believe it or not: I did not dare to ask my mother permission…Well, that story is over now. Though Willemien recognizes my mother’s character in me...Let me just shortcut all this, by stating that We Both managed to have that heavy job done. And we managed to make the necessary preparations for renovation of Mischa’s new rooms: bying cupboard wood parts to build&paint ourselves.

We both have the good feeling that we are making progress. I nearly finished reinstalling the audiovisual departement. Many devices seem to function now, though not without puzzling faults, trial and error, and a lot of sighing. One day we will be listening to our favourite music. Like we enjoyed our movie yesterday evening laying lazy on couch and armchair. A real festive relax time after a delicious oriental meal Mischa had prepared for her Birthday. Very special&burning because of the spices…

This darkgrey afternoon on my way to the Audioshop I passed at a pond. Among the coots, swans and geese there were a few gulls flying, floating. One or two had chosen a pole-position, which gave them a habitus of sovereignty: I’m having my own place here. In contrast to that, as you can see - this gull had a very relaxed and friendly expression. A kind of invitation to take a picture. I felt relaxed and friendly too. And after the shopping I decided to visit the old cemetary nearby. There my grandparents rest. I wanted to testify my deep feeling of gratitude that things really are taking a good, relaxed, friendly and balanced way. I may share that in silence.

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