
By TynvdB

A Rich&Fructuous Day

I woke up early. With a split consciousness. Trying to remember my dream. And at the same time thinking back to that day our child would be born. Still a bit dizzy from yesterday’s long journey. I made tea and knew that I would have to do less than that very November day. I had to call then for the GP and arrange a few very urgent and vital preparations. The living conditions in that old farmers house being slightly primitive. Especially as it had started to snow! The possible date of birth had been calculated much later. We were caught in a multiple ‘seizure, so to say. And everything was happening in the same time. A most emotional and unique kind of home-birth without complications. A transmuting event that shook us all up. After Mischa’s arrival nothing would ever be the same. So Far & so Good!

With the tea came the congratulation for this special day. Mischa would join us at a later hour and together we went to the seaside. A long walk followed. It was our first meeting with the beach&surf since we left in October. Not true, I realize, because I went back with our friend Cor and stayed an extra day before returning to the Weser-Valley. Anyhow, the beach and sea looked very different now. Wintertime preparations being underway. It was such a relief to walk on wet sand together again. Noses in the wind. Afterwards we enjoyed our hot espresso’s with selfbaked cupcakes. And this special day was closed by a very spicy indian meal, made by Willemien and Mischa themselves. A day not to forget. A fructuous and pleasant day. Like the old fishing boat, harvesting also for the following birds. Its name: “The Three Brothers”. Maybe we would prefer the solidarity between “Three Sisters” as Happy Sisterhood is Powerful in a more complete way: without structural splitting of consciousness.

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