
It's been a completely manic non-stop day and I've been grabbing photographs in Ilkley, Shipley, Bradford and Leeds in the few minutes between various meetings and events. I seem to have collected a lot of street shots on the way that I quite like, but rather than prevaricating over those I've decided to blip this view of the City Park in Bradford. For a few seconds the light was fantastically dramatic as the sun shone out of a clear sky to the south while dark clouds moved in to the north. There was a time when I would have waited for these people to move out of shot, but now I'm always looking to place people in my photographs. It makes it much more interesting I think.

This then is multi-cultural Bradford. Every time I come visit here I am enthralled by the diversity of people to be found. It's a thrilling but also quite challenging place to take photographs. I love it. You could have had Disaffection, but the shot you see is a little easier on the eye!

Mr. John gave me the shout that there was a book signing tonight by John Bulmer at the WhiteCloth Gallery in Leeds. The exhibition was well worth seeing and I ended up buying and carting home two very heavy volumes of photographs to inspire on the dark winter nights ahead. I don't feel like I really need inspiration at the moment but I do enjoy absorbing the work of great photographers and just learning by looking. No time for that tonight though!

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