
It's like being back at school again, and I have to admit that I really like the pressure of having homework to do within a deadline.
I confess I was one of the nerdy girls at school who always completed and handed in on time any consignments set..

I don't feel particularly proud of this character trait. I might have preferred to be one of the girls who had such an exciting life out of school, that homework was just a waste of time when the social scene was so much more attractive.

It is fascinating to realise that 50+ years on, I'm still the same person; there have been no personality changes and I'm still at heart that nerdy young girl.
There is still no way that I would turn up at a class without completing the work set, although being an adult I have the ability to hand in nothing should I feel like it. That is never going to happen.

I think what caused this degree of introspection was having to write a character description of someone in my past that I either loved or hated, and the old fear of my headmistress was suddenly remembered and realised.
Perhaps I should get out more, but there seems little chance of that at the moment with all this work.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go. I have a drawing to complete before tomorrow, another writing exercise for next week………. and the postie has just delivered a package of knitting wool for me.
Thank goodness knitting will be a relaxation at least, from using my brain.

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