Pirate drill

My adventure has started - and what an adventure.

The photo is from the last half hour of our Monarch flight into Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

For many reasons, the trip has had high levels of security. Sharm El Sheikh airport was very busy indeed. Queues after queues for a visa stamp, to have the visa stamp stamped, to see the passport man, then to proceed to the chaos activity of the baggage reclaim area.

My red and white suitcase (no - not from the club shop) was prominent and I retrieved it.

The melee prompted one lovely lady to suggest that this might be what hell is like - one never ending baggage reclaim.

On to the coaches, several more levels of security, and then to the ship.

The tight level of security didn't obstruct our smuggling bringing a bottle of spirits on board.

Our main suitcases are still going through screening and it is now nearly eleven pm.

We have had our emergency drill.

And our Pirate Drill. (We spend four days at sea in pirate country. ).

A wonderful meal as ever on Voyager. A fabulous ship you may remember from Iceland in May.

It is certainly going to be an adventure.

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