My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

The Very Much Read Corner

It is World Book Day... so a great excuse for this Blip:

These are some shelves in a corner of my house, which are loaded with faithful old books, the odd teacup and a few photos.

The books are dear to me. The Borrowers belonged to my aunt, she lent me all four when i was ill on a summer holiday in Devon. Their house was full of such brilliant old books.
The Steinbeck I read during my trip to Australia for my daughter's wedding, and finished on a Thai beach on the way back, when I had 9 days to myself. No chat, just reading and dawn walks.
Peter Pan, which I coloured in when about 5. (Not proud of that) A great book about Venice (serious love), a couple of biographies about long gone men in the family .
Penguin CD guide, which I lived by many years ago, a silver elephant, which needs cleaning, and a few photos.

No cutting edge reading really. There are many more shelves of that elsewhere. This is the comfort corner.

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