"Like two peas in a pod"

It has been an ideal day to do some gardening and I noticed that there are still flowers on the pea plants but doubt whether they will develop into good sized pods now. This pea pod reminded me of the idiom they are like two peas in a pod meaning that there is a great similarity between two people. Today is also All Saints Day when traditionally throughout parts of Europe people remember relatives who have died.

I have been thinking of my living relatives who live hundreds of miles away but unusually and coincidentally I have seen all the close family over the last ten days. Concerns about the health of my parents meant that I have seen them both and also my sister and brothers during a visit south last week and then we have had the pleasure of sharing the last few enjoyable days with daughter A and her family in Argyll and today we picked up our other daughter S from the airport.

Neither of my daughters are like two peas in a pod as they both have very different colouring but of the grandchildren the twins look similar despite being a boy and girl and with their older brother they share their father’s blue eyes and fair hair. However the 1 year old has inherited his mother’s brown eyes and brown hair. On looking at old family photos I see a strong resemblance between the young ones with their ancestors at the same age so some do look like two peas in a pod.

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