Four deer and one ear...of corn!

This afternoon I went to the park for only the third time since I broke my arm. This time I enjoyed it. The other two times I was too sore and very worried that I would fall again. Today felt almost like old times. Bob had already been to the park with Gulliver, but I told him I wanted to blip a few deer so he got back in the car and drove me to the park. One of these days I will be able to drive again...soon I hope. I didn't see Rascaletta today, although Bob saw her on his first trip to the park; however, there was no lack of deer. At one time eleven does were gathered round us, hoping for a handout. When warm weather arrives, they will go back into the deep woods, but there is still plenty of snow on the ground (that hopefully will melt soon), and they are still scrounging for food.

I was truly surprised yesterday to discover that it was my 730th blip and delighted that so many of you stopped by to say hello. When I broke my arm (on January 20), I was determined not to let it interrupt my blipping. Well, it did a little. I reached #730 on March 3 instead of on February 13, but I kept on blipping as much as I could, using my pocket camera and typing with one finger. I'm glad I did because the encouragement I have received from this blipping community has been a very important part of my recovery. I can't say thank you often enough for all your kind words and encouragement. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are wonderful people. I have only met two blippers face to face, i.e. Katzmeow and my granddaughter Squeakier, but I feel as if I know so many of you who share your pictures and stories through your journals and who comment on mine.

When I joined Blipfoto, I never imagined that I would make so many friends. Giving credit where credit is due, thanks to Joe and the team at BlipCentral. Starting with the concept of a-picture-a-day, you have woven a web of friendships, created a caring community, and built the most amazing collection of stories and pictures available on the internet, or anywhere else for that matter. Thank you!

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