A time for everything

By turnx3

Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red

This was the view of the Tower surrounded by a sea of Poppies, seen from the observation deck of the Shard, Europe's tallest building. Skies were still grey when we arrived at 10.30, but while we were there the skies began to clear, so we stayed a little longer and took some more photographs in better light. My title, " Blood swept lands and seas of red" is the title of the art installation currently surrounding the Tower. This installation is to mark one hundred years since Britain's involvement in the First World War. The poppies were created by ceramic artist Paul Cummins. Every day since the summer, the poppies have been added progressively and by November 11th will reach a total of 888,246, one for each British military fatality during the war. After admiring the wonderful extensive views from the Shard, we walked along the river to Tower Bridge and crossed the river to see the poppies close up. We decided going on a Saturday was a bad idea - the crowds were horrendous- it took a lot of patience waiting for people to get their pictures, so they would move out, and you could get in for your turn! However, having seen a few other blips since we got back, it seems to have been almost as crowded during the week, unless you got in really early in the morning. Although the crowds detracted somewhat from the experience, it was still incredibly moving. We then found somewhere for a late lunch, then walked along the river, taking frequent photographs and enjoying the changing light, as it went from golden late afternoon light to dusk. We walked as far as Westminster bridge, then took the Underground back to our hotel area where we enjoyed a lovely Greek meal.

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