Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

This is hanging basket country boy ...

... if you want the contents of my in tray you'll have to fight me for them.

Very nice atmosphere at work. Raised £150 for Ebola victims by selling each other cakes and then feeling sick. The cakes were truly awesome. My scones went down a treat as well.

The cowboy just wasn't scary. Too much Mr Nice Guy. But he was the most impressive dude on the old rancheroo today. We also fitted in a lunchtime walk in the staggeringly sunny weather and even managed to squeeze in some work.

Mini Halloween invasion tonight. Eight or nine twenty somethings taking the place over for drinks and pizza and scary movies. I think I will stage a tactical withdrawal ...

PS hottest Halloween since records began today - 23.5 degrees in one part of the South East

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