
By mar

The main idea of the campaign is to spread awarene

The main idea of the campaign is to spread awareness.
Jacob Bartholomew

Wednesday - the day I have off and Charlotte has gymnastics after-school. Sounds nice enough, doesn't it? But after I did my stint at the Secret's Room, I came home and worked on the WorldBookDayUK #booktweeps campaign on twitter. I know I could have spent my time more wisely, but felt it was important as the #museummonday worked brilliantly to introduce people to museum they might not have know of, or might not have known were on twitter and I would like the same to happen for the #booktweeps. So far, the response has been brilliant and I'm pleased with the support I received via RT's. Of course, it probably would have been better for me to have checked my calendar because if I did I would have noticed that I'm teaching in the morning so won't be here for the campagin in the morning! Oh well - it will either work, or fail. Either way, I did my best.

Meanwhile, school run involved coming home with 3 kids today. I don't know how either. But the Gymnastic crew left the fruit and went for a Fab ... I don't know how either.

Twitter: For @WorldBookDayUK we're going to use#booktweeps to introduce ppl to #Book tweeters (readers/enthusiast/publishers/writers, etc).
Blip: Dont' forget to Blip a World Book Day appropriate blip tomorrow!

/campaign over*. I need a coffee. And a nap.

*For now.

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