If you go down to the woods today...

Sunshine through the trees,
Warming a cool Autumn day;
No rain at all. Yay!

Note to self 1: Use your migraine stick before you leave the office then your headache won't be as bad driving home in the dark.

Note to self 2: Buy more migraine sticks!

I was thinking I don't remember my Winter headaches starting so early last year and then remembered that my medication wasn't a sedative then so I could leave earlier in the morning and therefore not need to stay so late in the afternoon.

Setting the alarm earlier hasn't helped so far, it just means I'm still in a Zombie like state but upright!

Didn't need the alarm at all this morning as the water meter reader rang the doorbell at an ungodly hour to tell me I'd left the back door wide open. This was when I discovered at some point during the night I'd turned my pyjamas inside out. Poor sod probably couldn't get away fast enough... I'd love to remember what I was dreaming to have done it though!

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