My Smiler

After being thoroughly fed up with the rain this morning we did get out for a little playtime this afternoon :) 

I've got a couple of boxes tidied away to the garage and my office is finally starting to half resemble a dining room again - apparently buyers prefer that. 

Also did a little Christmas shopping online being very aware about budget this year. A certain little man has a few things put away already but I've been told not to spoil him - we'll see.

Stella will be 12 in a couple of weeks but definitely doesn't need spoiling either given the amount of things she's received already this year for being a bloggy doggy. 

I don't know if her miracle magnetic collar is working its magic but, she's certainly seeming more lively to me. She even picked up the squeaking ball that she hated 3 weeks ago! 

Perhaps I should get one?! 

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