blip art :: xb

By xb

252 [numbers]

It seemed to be a day of numbers. I'm quite good at numbers - remembering phone numbers, pin numbers, statistics, birthdays.

After trouble switching on my laptop this morning (maybe a faulty docking station), it eventually booted up on attempt number 5. Then running a report, the whole thing fell over and I had to restart. Take 2.

At lunchtime, flicking through a travel magazine, I seemed to take in what I was reading. Twice in the afternoon, I quoted the magazine - that Namibia was voted the World's number 1 travel destination, and that Inverness Airport was voted the UK's 5th best.

The afternoon slipped by uneventfully, I came home for tea, then went out to the railway station to pick up tickets. That's when I noticed my current mileage - 012345 - nice!

Outside the Eastgate Centre, there were 3 fire engines, and a turntable ladder with firemen being hoisted up onto the roof. I think they were training because the blues-and-twos weren't on... see what I did there? :)

Then in by Tesco on the way home to get more butter for another attempt at shortbread. 8 plain, and 9 chocolate chip (I don't know how, it was the same quantity). 15-20 minutes later at 160C, they had merged into 1 very strange shape!

Home in time to catch Brazil v Ireland, and I upload just after number 11, put Brazil 2 up with 14 minutes to go.

If there's safety in numbers, I'm sorted tonight. :)

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