Billy Goat

By billygoat

Clocks back day.

Breakfast normal time by the clock but it felt very late.
I went out to the workshop and made a few bits for the new cooker installation on the boat, and the gov cleared away the remains of her climbing bean frame and weeded the veg plots.
Then it was cooking time.
I made a pizza for lunch and then started on the Chilli for next weekend, that's it on the hob on the left, reducing in volume prior to cooling and freezing ready to go up to the reunion.
I also made the chilli butter (definitely NOT for spreading on toast for breakfast) and started off a ciabatta "biga" or starter courtesy of a recipe from K..
The gov has made biscotti and is roasting spicy chick peas prior to doing roast pork for dinner.
Soon be time for a g&t and try out the spicy chick peas I reckon.

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