CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Flower Cycle

Dull but dry day with rising wind.

It seems we got off the island of Mull just in time - the Ferries were cancelled today because of the wind.

Not the greatest of days for me though. I found out that the repairs on our car have had to go to the Insurance Engineer who may be considering declaring the car a 'Total Loss'. This was not what we were expecting, and the Insurance Value we would receive would be a long way short of the kind of car we would need to buy to replace it. It seems that in a situation that was in no way our fault we will be the ones to experience considerable financial loss. We can only hope that the Engineer will instead authorise the repairs to go ahead.

I also found that I had a wound infection, from the Pacemaker op which didn't work, and had to spend several hours in the hospital. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear it up - I have to go back tomorrow. I am due to preach over Skype to Uganda at 8.00am (because of the clock change) - so I am trusting that once again I will find strength in my time of weakness.

The Cycle of Flowers was a gift 18 years ago on the occasion of one of our son's wedding. They make an attractive centrepiece in our lounge and have lasted well - as has our son's marriage, for which we are thankful. They are the parents of the grandchildren who came with us to Mull.

I trust that you have a great Sunday - whatever you are doing.

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