
By Jillybean

Struck A Nerve

Today has been a pretty exciting day...thus far.

Got written up for cutting study hall! =] One of my life goals has now been completed (to get written up before i graduate). It was very exciting getting called down to the deans office. My favorite teacher was the one in the deans office handling detentions today. She loves me so she didn't give me a detention just a warning. Which is dissapointing cause I feel like I've been robbed a vital high school experience. I mean i cut study hall and left the school to get lunch. I want a detention. Robbed i tell you. Maybe next time... =] Bahahaha.

Anyway I left school early for a dentist appt. Conveniently avoiding an AP Government test! =]. Life is good, one more day to study. But at the dentist I recieved lovely news. It wasn't in fact my wisdom teeth that have been killing me but a cavity that i had filled several years ago. They had told me that I would one day soon have to have a root canal but that was years ago and i had forgotten. So today at 4 oclock i will be heading back to have a root canal. See your probably wondering why I'm happy about this. I'm really not too pleased but i decided in a battle between getting my wisdom teeth removed or a root canal I'd much rather have a root canal. One hour till that...

This pic was taken on my way home from school when my Mom had to stop at the music store to get jack his NYSSMA music. I took this of the guitars in the store. Quite Fun.

Pretty sure this is just about the earliest I've ever posted a blip. But i figured I'd do it before going back to the dentist. =]

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."
-Kahlil Gibrán

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