And that's what these Rowan berries are doing, against all the odds. As you can see it's a grey day.

We planted this tree just after we moved in so now it's nearly 8 years old. I like it because the berries are pink and not the usual orange. But it also means that birds still having something natural to eat late in the season. We used to see a Blackcap on the berries but sadly this year he has not been spotted.

Uneventful quiet day. Took Phoebe out this morning while the sun was shining, but before we travelled not more than 50 yards, we were bombarded by a very fine spray of rain. The sort that get's in everywhere!!

Fortunately we ran around the field double speed and didn't take too long to dry off. So another piece of stained glass created today but still loads more to complete before Christmas.

Thankyou for all the kind comments on Jazzmine. Just as well she doesn't know as she would get an even bigger head.

I hope you have all survived the day and that the forthcoming weekend will be good to you. Until we 'meet again'

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