In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Little lies

No more oil they said.
You won't get a pension if you vote yes.
Your pension is at risk if you vote yes.
You will be deported if you vote yes. ( to Polish people)
The NHS is safe.
We will give you devo max.
BP and others are looking to pull out of the North Sea.

These are just some of the lies give by the 3 Amigos and their cronies just over a month ago.

This billboard appeared yesterday.

Says it all really.
First Minister, Alex Salmond, appeared on Question time yesterday. It was filmed in Liverpool. He calmly and resolutely told the English MP's there, the facts about English law, that they didn't know. Every time he spoke he go a rousing round of applause from the local audience.
Meanwhile the Labour MP just sneered and finished the programme cat calling, " You lost."
Very childish.
The UKip MEP, never got one round of applause, the Tory guy was out of his depth and Len McKluskey, Unite Union leader, did fine also.

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