In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Feels as if there has hardly been any home games this season.
Today it was Motherwell, with their new manager, who is also an old manager of theirs, and an old manager of ours, and also an old star player of ours, Mark McGhee.
The teams line up before kick off, on of their players is a bit enthusiastic, he decides to jump for joy after shaking the hands of  our players.
Let 's not mention the fact that our good form over the last couple of seasons has gone out the window.
There are a couple of extras. One being the moment Ash Taylor, one of our centre backs, had decided that he couldn't carry on, after hurting his back, and the other is the back of the head of a young  guy called Keith who sits a couple of rows down from us. He attends sporadically as he is a professional dancer, and isn't home all that often.

Great singer, great song.

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