Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Crazy eyes

Today's been a home day; this morning the girls helped me sort through the abundance of washing and make a start on clearing it.

They all played while I kept the washing machine in constant use and did the ironing.

We had a late lunch so that Peach could join us and sat together to watch The Princess Bride. An all time classic favourite of mine, that neither Peach or the girls have seen. And whilst Peach said it was "ok", the girls really enjoyed it.

Rubels has been an absolute dream today, I have to pass comment about it, as she is throwing a lot of tantrums at the moment. She has been really helpful and very kind to her sisters. She is such a genuine and thoughtful little girl, with humour, intellect and so much kindness to offer, that sometimes (most of the time), she forgets who she really is, gets frustrated and acts out through bad behaviour. But when we stop, take a break and regroup, she's a dream. It's now my task to find out how to make her true self shine.

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