Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

Girls Formal

As far as I'm aware, Girls Formal is once a term. It was extremely fun and the food was delicious. We were sat with some second years so it was great to get to know other years better as well. Afterwards we went to the college bar and then out to Park End. Great fun and a fantastic way to wind down, though I did get headbutted in Park End and am sure it will develop into a black eye...

During the day I mainly worked on my essay and tried to finish it so that tomorrow I will only have to do the finishing touches and take the word count down slightly. I took myself to the Radcliffe Camera for the afternoon away from distractions I usually managed to find in the college library so that I could just get on with writing my essay and it really worked. We also had a lecture which was really enjoyable, we had a very enthusiastic and engaging lecturer. Big fan!

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