Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

Radcliffe Square

Poor quality photo, was just a quick snap from my phone while out in the evening. Finding it difficult sometimes to remember to take a photo and especially difficult to take my large camera around with me. Maybe I'll get better at that as term goes on, and hopefully not worse.

Today hasn't been particularly busy, I spent the morning finishing off my essay for the tutorial this afternoon, had a lecture on geomorphology, and then the tutorial. Kitty and I also spent a few hours out in Oxford distributing hot drinks and snacks to homeless people. It's part of a college organised group called Turl Street Homeless Action and it's just volunteering for weekly shifts from around 7-9pm where you go out and offer some drinks and food to the people on the street, as well as have a chat with them. Talking to them and hearing their stories was what I enjoyed most this evening and I hope they appreciated us going around and chatting to them.

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