
By rosesinDecember

20 months

A kind of milestone, watching A becoming ever more sure of herself. This girl refuses to act her age and I reluctantly accept that babyhood has passed. She's always desperate to copy her big sister and ignore the age appropriate swings insisting I "go" once I'd positioned her here, completely unphased, even kicking her legs high and tipping her head back. Next, attempting monkey bars and sailing down the big kid's slide which E fearfully exclaimed "but she's too little, Mummy." Thank goodness the Grannies weren't in attendance. E , by contrast, usually leads me around, holding my hand tightly, it was unfortunate when she did run off on her own that she fell, hard. An older boy, about ten, playing near by rushed over to help her up, silently and with unexpected tenderness. I cuddled her and A offered kisses and we all got distracted looking for the biggest, yellowest leaf. Autumn collages coming soon, bought PVA on the way home.

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