Biting the Dust
The demolition of the Standard Life Offices in St Andrew Square continues surely and gingerly, given the need for protection of the buildings on either side.
A very dark grey morning as I trudged into town to claim my free coffee and scone at John Lewis and collect my green ink cartridges especially sent up to the Pen shop from Cambridge. So far the green ink doesn't look very green even though I've washed out the black ink already in the nib- I'm hoping it will get greener with use.
What got blacker when I arrived home was my mood when I discovered to my disgust that in blipping this image I must have stood in dog dirt in my trainers, those with the beautifully deep traction on the soles.
At least I prefer to think it was the grass of St Andrew Square rather than the grass outside the Dower House, otherwise heads will roll.
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