Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Last Day of Holidays

Today started quite early; 6.45am, when Ida got up for the loo. Since G was getting up 15 minutes later to get ready for work, there was no point going back to bed. Arlo followed about 15 minutes later.

G went to work. Me and the kids played 'Going on holiday'. This involved me reading Saturday's papers, and playing at being the Mummy reading the news on the plane, while we flew to Florida. I did try to change the destination to Haggerston Castle, as this was slightly more likely, but I was completely over-ruled!

Our game involved imaginary friends Jack and Sarah, who came along with (their play-names) Ben and Melody! Ida managed a feat which I have never seen before, she fell out with her imaginary pal Sarah! This lass had to be put on a plane home by herself, and a replacement chum - name now escapes me - flew out to replace her.

After this, they both had baths and hair-washes,and got some temporary tattoos put on (Hello Kitty for her, and Superheroes for him) before we went to the shop to pick up the Observer and Sunday Herald which I did not have time to fetch yesterday, and we went to the park with Asma and wee Zakkariah for a bit.

Back home, and a promised 'Spooky lunch': macaroni pies, Monster munches, and fruit sliced up in a bowl while we watched ET.

Daddy arrived at 4pm to pick them up, and we packed the car with all of the Halloween stuff they had acquired over the weekend as well as their clothes etc., and off they went. Arlo was in tears, saying he would miss me. Reminded me of his mummy when she was wee, who always cried when we left my parents.

Smashing weekend. Smashing kids. How lucky are we?

It's going to feel really flat tomorrow morning.

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