Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


SO glad I didn't have to be at this venue for 7am though MANY of my colleagues were. HR Summit & Expo began today and I was officially asked by the Marketing Department to be the "Unofficial" photographer! That's a role I love. The official photographers get on and do all the important promo pics, and I get to capture the event and take the "people" pictures!

So here I am... listening to our first Guru speaker - Marshall Goldsmith who had some really interesting things to say. Wish I could have stayed and listened to the end but I was called out to be present for the official ribbon cutting opening. I do love the fact that my job allows me to listen to world class speakers/thinkers/experts in their field - for free!

A productive day at work later with Louise & me managing to meet a rather ridiculous deadline. And then in the evening, I went to a different salon and have tried ammonia-free dye for the first time! I am promised my pillow will not be a different colour tomorrow. We'll see.

I seem to be failing miserably with the Pink as well as the Blipfoto's 10 birthday red balloon challenge. Tonight, after all my running around after work - oh forgot to mention I had a trial for the new jacket the tailor has offered to make - I went downstairs and bought red and pink balloons. I started to blow up one of the red ones - which happens to be in the shape of an heart - and it burst! Tried with another and the same thing happened!! I don't think they are very good balloons, so as a result of running out of breath, I gave up! Not something I easily do I hasten to add.

Hope your Monday started well.

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