
Mr A & I had a lovely lazy Sunday today partly because he didn't come home from boozing until 3.30am.

We ventured out mid afternoon to see my Mum and also get some more food for Joy.

The place I get the food from moved to a new premises earlier this year, it's now a huge building which specialises in all types of fish, plus a separate room for reptiles and other 'critters' I don't go in there as that's where the spiders live.

In the back of the shop they have a play area for kids, with a petting zoo (rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters) and a shark tank!

The Sharks are only small, but still great to see up close.

We had a good look round and came across a frog just like Joy.........only waaaaaaaay bigger! She was a giant! and only £10.99.

I was really tempted to buy her, but she is cold water and Joy has now acclimatised to tropical temperatures so one of them would have to adapt and I'm not sure how easy that would be.

It's such a shame to see this frog all alone though; I suspect she grew bigger than the owner expected so they gave her back to the shop. It's not just dogs and cats that get abandoned :-(

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