trigger happy..

..and what clever little clogs Styldium are.

The anther and stamen are contained on the spring loaded 'column' that is tucked away behind the flower but which leaps into action when an insect visits.... to either deposit or collect pollen depending on the cycle of that particular plant.
After an hour or so the trigger resets ready for the next visitor.

Even more clever clogs' is the positioning, size and length of the column (is this starting to read like a a floral kama sutra??) of the individual species so as to avoid cross pollination.

Most of the 300 or so species of Stylidium (trigger plants) are found in Australia and many are endemic to the south west of Western Aus, a heap of which are found around Perth.

And some are carnivorous making a meal of those beasties just not up to the pollinating side of things!
Floral Fatal Attraction?

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