
"Serendipity' is this week's blip challenge, and I thought I wasn't going to find anything suitable. As luck would have it, however, as we were driving home this morning, we saw a sign for the Grey Mare's Tail waterfall. We could see the waterfall from the road, so we stopped and I was allowed to play with my camera. I took this photo of the waterfall (turns out thats not actually the grey mare's tale, it was further upstream).
Then I decided to walk up to the nearby monument, to take a look at the view. However when I turned to look back, this is what I saw. I loved the colours and the softness of the scene, due to the low lying cloud and mist. Worth going large, I think. The sun came out about 15 minutes later, so perhaps I'd have had a better image if we'd been just a wee bit later.

I'm going to take this image along to the Camera Club this week, to get some advice on tweaking it a bit.

I've backblipped a few entries this week, and there are a few more images on Flickr.

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