wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

What balloon? I don't see a balloon.

This is CJ.
He is my next door neighbor. I gave him a big soup bone last night. He thanked me tonight by being my muse........

And we got this just before the rain fell.....the wind was whipping around us. Anything for a blip. Speaking of rain, I was drenched on my lunch time today. BUT! still did my walk.

Tonight we took a trip to LLBean to buy Dad slippers and pajama bottoms. I don't know if I have shared my opinion of extremely ill behaved children however, it is NOT favorable. Twice I was almost taken out. Why do they have the ability to travel so fast?
I was exhausted. The grocery store was worse.....hungry ill behaved children are worse.

I went back to the doctor today for my arm and wrist. I have two different kinds of tendinitis. I am not dying as I suspected. Ok that was a bit dramatic. I did get my flu shot. It hurt SO bad and I was a baby. So I have this thing on my arm like an arm band thingy on my lower arm. It feels good. Oh and ibuprofen is proof that God really likes us. Tomorrow I get acupuncture. I can't wait.

On the way home we saw a man all dressed up in full cowboy regalia. In Portland Maine. There maybe a fine line between looking like a cowboy and looking like you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

I can't believe I have missed all my shows this week. I am exhausted and fall asleep by 9:00. It's awesome. I have tomorrow off and I am so excited. The rain hitting the roof threatens to lull me to sleep .....I am going to give in.....

This weekend we have two gigs and I can't wait. I may wear my cowboy boots...........anybody got a sandwich?

Good morning to Downunder and.....sleepy time to the north

365 tomorrow......

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