A new departure

This man, laboriously creating a synthesis of Rio on the beach, is branching out a bit. His sculptures were already a step above the others, but with these one, he's breaking new ground and has included some of the city's more significant features.

HH flew to Salvador last night for a meeting, while I fell into bed early and slept like a log - makes a nice change. Forced myself out for a constitutional this morning before getting back to the grindstone. However, this evening I'm exultant. Went to the airport to meet HH, and while I waited, managed to reissue some Air France tickets we didn't weren't able to use in August. AF have certainly had their problems of late, but the staff at the airport were fantastically helpful then, and came up trumps again now. So a double whammy - HH is safely back home, and we just have to choose whether we'll join the family in the UK for Christmas, or reissue the tickets yet again and go back in July, hopefully to see our younger daughter receive her BSc.

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