Taxi shoes
Despite recent 'alterations' these shoes are definitely not made for walking.
Aside from trying on the wedding gear, a day of getting up too early, and no naps. Men in the garden all day doing good stuff with spades and concrete who had to be regularly topped up with coffee ("I'm a coffee lover and THAT is really good coffee". And I seem to have convinced at least two French people that a 'french press' - cafetiere - is a good thing!), water (it was rather warm after a drizzly airport run start to the day) and cola.
TallGirl seems to have rented our house out for a pal's birthday party. I am alarmed by how little say I have in these sort of decisions. But since I am abandoning the kids this weekend, I'm being a bit of a 'yes' parent this week.
Now, making little sense, I'm going to snooze through something lame on the TV, ignore the ironing and fall asleep with my book on my face. Life in the fast lane.
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