Where would I be without this? I always think I just have very mild asthma. Until I forget to renew my prescription and am without one of these for a few days. I ran out on Thursday, and somehow didn't get around to going to the doctor for a new prescription until Tuesday. I didn't feel too horrible over the weekend, but it sort of builds and the last couple of days have been a bit uncomfortable. I feel like I'll be on the mend tomorrow.
Wednesday's are now less crazy than they used to be, particularly since CarbBoy seems to have forgotten all about his plan to go to karate (which is at a very inconvenient time) now that he has bike riding to fill his every waking hour. Unfortunately, his friend who breaks everything has broken CarbBoy's chain guard during a bike-stealing episode. Sigh.
In other news, a job I thought I might get (which prompted the great CV rush of yesterday) turns out to be a proper teaching job - one that you'll need a French teaching diploma for. But, I'll still wander along and see them tomorrow (the right person wasn't there today) in case I can help out in the interim.
More rain. But a fun hour or so mucking about with wrapping a present (oh I can really spin a job out when I want to...) filled the afternoon play slot nicely. Now all full of leftover curry, it's time for the Great British Bakeoff catch up session.
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