...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles loves to chat and tell stories right before bed. He consistently asks to talk about the following things:
- "my preschool"
- "the pumpkin patch"
- "my baby sisters"

When we asked Miles what he's going to teach his baby sisters he told us, "I'm going to teach them to go potty, brush their teeth, and take a bath"

On the way home tonight Miles wasn't listening so he couldn't listen to his CD. He first called me a 'bucket dipper' Based on the book, "Have you Filled a Bucket Today" a bucket dipper means you are making someone sad. (you fill a bucket by saying and doing nice things to people around you). He then told me, "I'm going to tell Grandpa C that you're not being very nice" I let him call Grandpa C and at the end Grandpa C said, "goodbye Amy Sue" which is what my family called me growing up. Miles then said, "Amy Sue! I want to be called Miles Sue!"

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