An important message
Busy at work, which is always better than having nothing to do. Even so, I managed to get through it all in time to get home in time to take Mr H to the nearby Photo Warehouse, so that he could tell me what sort of camera he would like. He has always liked using a camera, and his interest was ignited when he (and his mother and brother) stayed with Tsuken for a few days. He took some really very good photos, along with some which left a lot to be desired (out of focus, blurring through unstable camera, missing half the subject and all those other errors I'm sure I made when I first held and used a camera).
So he came back enthused about photography and keen to have another camera. He knows that I had recently become conscious of the fact that after 20 to 30 years of using a Diners Card, I had many unused Club Points which I could, and did, use to get the Nikon I used for tonight's photo.
After we got back and did a bit of on-line research, I went for a run along Ponsonby Road. On the way back I saw this message in chalk. It is seeking support to oppose the Government signing away our autonomy for dubious, nay, spurious advantages. The only advantage in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement is received by the US based multinational corporations, which under the agreement gain the right to sue countries who do not allow them unfettered access to our markets. NZ, of course, does not gain even limited access to the US market, because that country has one of the greatest protectionist systems ever. Sales tax on imported goods, and public monies given to inefficient producers of goods we could supply at half the cost in a fair world.
Anyway, Mr H has seen the camera he would like me to get for him. He has promised that he has made a safe place to store it in his room, where it won't get covered over and "lost". He says that he is two years older than he was when he dropped his first camera, and we got the feedback that no one repairs broken cameras these days because its cheaper to buy a replacement!
An on-line order is under way, and I have also told him that when he comes to the beach house I will get out my Pentax K1000 with its 50mm lens and a roll of film, and he can learn to use an SLR. He will need to pay attention to what he is doing, keeping notes and thinking about why things work.
He may well become a blipper.
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