If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Good Moon Rising

A slight misquoting of Credence Clearwater Revival, but it seemed apt. After clickcychick got back from evening visiting she suggested that as it was a clear starry night we go out and try for some star shots.

So we headed out to the darkest local area we know as with most parts of the UK there is evidence of towns but these are right out on the horizon. As we got out of the car a tree on the sky line was lit by a strong orange glow. Our arrival rather upset the female Tawny Owl that was hunting the rough ground nearby so after listening to her protests for a while we turned back to the glow to realise it was the moon rising,.

The star shots rather went by the board as we concentrated on the rising moon and light cloud cover. I was working under a bit of a handicap as my previous camera didn't have a bulb setting and I hadn't tried it on the Pentax before. When the moon climbed beyond the trees we changed back to star shots and I did manage to get a reasonable one of the plough.

However I much preferred the moon shots and so I have chosen one of the first while the moon was still low.

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