Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Doune Castle

What a smashin' weekend we've had.

On Friday night I got my record suggestion (Big Sound Authority - This House) played as the last tune on Bryan Burnett's 'Get It On' on Radio Scotland - how chuffed was I! Then G went round to a friend's house for a beer or two (most unusual), and came home nicely glowing with Bacchanalian bonhomie.

Yesterday I did bits of shopping, and met my sister for coffee and cake in town, then spent the evening with two old friends from way back when, eating curry and chatting about this'n'that until the early hours.

Nephew Taylor and his wee black Patterdale bitch, Zara, stayed the night so that was lovely.

And then today after taking the dogs for a long walk, G, Taylor and I all went down to Doune Castle, just past Dunblane, to make use of our Historic Scotland membership. It was a lovely day, and we had a nice tour of the castle making use of the audio guide system. Being later in the year, there were only a few of us doing the tour, so plenty of time to stop and look at it properly.

Sadly, as I suffer terribly from a fear of heights and vertigo I was not brave enough to venture all the way up into the battlements, but it was impressive nevertheless. I hadn't realised that this was where they filmed Monty Python's 'The Holy Grail'. Therefore, the audio guide was narrated by Python, Terry Jones.

Then we headed off to see some Red Kites at Ardgaty Farm, before heading home to Perth.

The weather was amazing today; blue sky with fluffy white clouds, just cool enough so you needed a jumper under your jacket, but warm enough so you wondered about that jacket from time to time .....

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